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The Back Care Program

  • 5 Steps


Back Pain! We all get it at some point, its perfectly normal and for the majority of us some anti-inflammatory and stretches and we are back to normal within a matter of days. But sometimes it can linger and it takes longer for us to lose that ache and stiffness. The problems can arise when we want to just 'sit still' for fear of moving making your back pain worse....when in actual fact movement is what you need to keep your muscles supple and stretched. Always take your movement slow, ease yourself in to it and if you find something is just too painful leave it out and move to the next exercise. Short walks are also exceptionally good when you have some back pain. If your pain is persistent see your preferred medical specialist for advice.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



Single Payment
On Demand Pilates


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